Friday, August 26, 2011

10 months!

To my Hattie Bug,

You are 10 months old today!! I know this is a huge cliché, but where has the time gone? It seems like you just came into our lives yesterday! I feel so incredibly blessed to have you complete our little family.

What you are doing these days
*Not sleeping like you used to, that’s for sure! You used to sleep all night and now you are so restless and cry out all the time. Teething?
* You have 6 teeth and 4 more trying to come through! You have your bottom 4 and your top two incisors, and yes you look like a baby vampire.
* You clap at everything, even when the people on tv clap!
* You can fake cough. When me or Daddy cough, you have to do it too. You are becoming such a mimic!
* You love to pet and touch and play with Cyrus, he on the other hand could care less about you unless he thinks he can get food from you.
* I have never seen a baby happier to take a bath than you are. You would play in the tub all day every day if I let you.
* I have never seen a baby eat like you. I have not found anything but peaches that you will not eat. You ate almost a whole sweet potato last night! And green beans too!
* We finally found a cup you can drink out of, a straw sippy cup with handles on the sides.
* We moved you out of your carrier car seat to your big girl car seat a couple of weeks ago (still rear facing) and you enjoy it so much better because you can see out now. And my back is feeling lots better now that I don’t have to tote you everywhere.
* You are really picking up on your baby sign language now! Milk, eat, more, dog, change diaper, light and bath.
* You can say mama, dada and we thing “what’s that”. You picked that up from your cousin Carson.
* You are still in your orthotic helmet for brachycephaly, but hopefully only for one more month.
*You are some what crawling. You have popped your face a couple of times and now are hesitant to do it again. You can definitely scoot anywhere you want to go though.
*Pulling up on anything that will hold still is your current favorite thing to do.
* You get really excited to see the dog running around outside. I have no idea why this is better than him running around inside, but hey, whatever makes you happy.
*During the past two weeks you have started to make this weird new face. You scrunch your nose up and make a little “o” of your mouth and cry of fuss. It is so funny.
* You don’t seem to like other babies. You got so mad when we were at Tina and Hazel’s the other day in the pool. You actually scratched Hazel’s back….on purpose.
* And on that note….you have become very mean in the past couple of weeks. You smack, scratch, sling yourself backwards, kick and on and on when you get mad now. We try not to laugh, but its really hard not to sometimes.
* Still loving the Baby Einstein dvd’s.
* You weigh around 23lbs and are about 30 inches tall now.
* And last but not least, your hair is still as crazy as ever. And it is getting so long. But no bows for you, you just pull them out and throw them down.

Check out how much you have changed in such a short amount of time!!

4 days old

7 months old

10 months old!